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5 Ways Face Identification Can Help to Improve the Hospitality Sector

5 Ways Face Identification 5 Ways Face Identification

The integration of face identification technology in the customer service, experience, and hospitality sector can provide numerous benefits and enhance user experiences in ways that were never possible before.

From providing better experiences for customers in retail stores, to more cohesive and seamless movement in hotels and restaurants, there are a multitude of ways that this technology helps to create more customer-centric experiences.

So, let us discuss 5 different ways that face detection can be used to enhance experiences for customers in the hospitality sector.

How Does Face Identification Work?

To understand how this technology can be used to enhance user experiences, it is first important to understand how exactly these systems work. AI face recognition is a form of biometric authentication and identification service that of course utilizes your face as the form of input.

The way this system works is that once an input is provided, the artificial intelligence works to identify characteristic features and landmarks of the face, like the eyes, nose, and mouth. It then analyzes these characteristics in a way that allows it to attach digital markers identification markers to them, allowing it to create a facial map.

The face recognition system can then use this digital map to compare against other previously saved facial maps, to see if it matches one of the ones in the database. At that point, if the match is successful, the intended action using that information can be performed or executed.

Enhancing Hospitality with Face Recognition Services

Now, let’s talk about the ways that face recognition can be used to enhance user experiences in the world of customer satisfaction.

1. Hotel Experience Personalization

Usually, when a customer enters a hotel or resort, they have to go through the (sometimes quite long) process of checking in, including providing identification documents, proof of booking and payment, and multiple other procedures and documents. The same is usually true for when they check out.

A face recognition solution can help here to streamline this check-in process by a huge margin and make it go much faster. Guests can bypass traditional check-in and even check-out procedures by using the fast face identification process to identify themselves when entering the hotel and accessing their room. The system will automatically fetch their booking and other related information, negating the need for manual checking, and providing quick and easy access to the customer’s accommodation.

In addition, the system can also be used for providing personalized experiences for returning and especially VIP clients and customers. Upon arrival of a VIP, the system would notify staff so that they can provide special tailored services and amenities. It can also help to customize room lighting, temperature, and so on whenever a specific customer enters.

2. Better Shopping Ventures

Similarly, face recognition services can be used to identify customers when they enter a store, allowing staff to greet them with their names and offer shopping assistance based on the customer’s unique preferences and shopping habits.

Similarly, automated screens can be used to provide purchase recommendations, special deals, and discounts tailored to the purchasing preferences and habits of that specific customer for that specific store. Some retail stores might even create discounts on the spot to attract purchases that the specific customer might be interested in.

3. Restaurants and Cafes

A face recognition solution can be used to provide regular and loyal customers with rewards and other special discounts automatically based on the restaurant’s loyalty program and similar services that can help personalize client experiences.

Another way that these systems can be used is to provide personalized menu recommendations, tailored to that specific customer’s eating habits and preferences, or even personalized based on their religious, ethical, or health-based dietary preferences.

4. Event Management

AI face recognition systems can also help to create better experiences in the domain of general event management. Such a system can automatically verify the identity of individuals trying to enter an event. This can help to streamline guest entry into event premises, and at the same time better prevent unauthorized entry of unknown or malicious individuals.

5. Gambling and Casinos

The use of face recognition services in casinos and other gambling establishments can majorly help to prevent fraud and other banned activities by identifying banned individuals and other fraudsters much quicker than they would be otherwise. Effective implementation can prevent entry of such individuals in the first place, rather than them randomly being seen and identified by a security guard, and then thrown out of the establishment.

Closing Thoughts

The use of these services and technology in enhancing customer experiences has allowed for better personalization than was ever possible before. As these technologies advance even further, we can expect to see them used in unique and interesting ways beyond what has ever been possible in the domain of customer satisfaction and hospitality.

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