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Farewell Card: A Cherished Tradition for Farewells

A-Cherished-Tradition-for-Farewells A-Cherished-Tradition-for-Farewells


It is part and parcel of social relations all the same; and in the patchwork of human relations, do none bring such strong feeling; none so deeply coloured. Whenever it is right, be it your colleague who is starting a new career path or your friend who is relocating to a new city, or even your family member or a close friend who is going for long term travel, everybody at some point needs to bid goodbye, and a goodbye needs a gesture. As distinct forms of conveying parting messages recognized, a farewell card undoubtedly represents one of the most heartfelt. In this article, the author discusses how far better than a farewell card is different and better understand such a product, paying attention in turn to its importance, classifications, and thematic directions, as well as the secrets of writing an ideal message.

Historical Context

It can be traced back to as early as the Egyptian and the OrientalAsian cultures centuries before the Christ era. For instance, the Egyptians conveyed messages through small papyrus scrolls and the earlier Chinese sent their new year wishes through papers during the Han dynasty. In the 19th century, postal services emerged to ease the drawback of card sending which was limited for a number of people. Farewell cards particularly became the custom to meet the need of an appropriate and tangible sign of goodwill as people started shifting frequently due to job promotions or education and other prospects.

Significance of Farewell Cards

Emotional Closure

As for farewell cards, they allow the person who is sending them to have a sense of closure while giving the receiver a final reminder of the warm feelings that the sender has for him/her/it. They reaffirm positive experiences, provide a notion of thank you, and include good wishes that allow both organisms to realize the change.

Tangible Keepsake

In this day and age where texting and other forms of electronic communication are common, receiving a tangible, hand-written farewell card truly leaves a lasting impression. It is another form of memory; it is history that a group of people share and can go ahead and show someone when the fare is done.

Personal Touch

The time and energy that a person spends in choosing a card or writing a message on a card tends to tell the receiver that the sender values him or her. It is a one on one action in contrast to the more general and non-loyal send Messages which are common in the digital platform.

Types of Farewell Cards

Professional Farewell Cards

These are usually sent in a business-related context especially when an employee or a co-worker is resigning or transferring to another company. The latter can also differ from the strict official patterns to the very simple and ironic, based on the climate in the office and the level of familiarity of the participants of the conversation.

Personal Farewell Cards

These cards are usually close, more intimate than the general cards, and could include very sensitive material. It is also characterised by elements of humour that the two people understand and can relate to, include memories, and expressions of affection.

Group Farewell Cards

Collected in a sealed envelope and sent from one person to another or passed around among a number of people, e.g., the team members or friends, these playing cards compile several messages and autographs. They are a function that has been done in unison, with the aim of expressing group appreciation and goodwill.

Themed Farewell Cards

These cards comes in some standard categories, which are Interest/Golf/ Hobby/Departing etc based on the requirements. For instance, a card for a retiree might be marked with some relaxing pictures or even signs of retirement life, while a card for someone leaving to live in another country might carry pictures of aspects such as travel.

Of course, coming up with the perfect farewell card allows for the kind of formal communication that aims at establishing lasting business relationships.

Choosing the Right Card

To achieve all of that, ensure that you chose a card that reflects the character of the recipient, as well as the relationship you have with them. Consider the following factors:

Design and Imagery: Alternatively, choose a design that aligns well with the recipients’ preferences or the given event. An example of a well crafted and functional card would be a simple, black and white business card for a corporate environment, while a playful, cartoon-like card may be best for a comrade.

Tone and Style: It depends on the tone that you want to establish, depending on the message passed on via the card. When writing farewell messages for formal settings, one has to use a formal language while informal and jokes messages are appropriate where one is bidding farewell to friends or family members.

Writing a Heartfelt Message

The actual encased message is the soul and core of the card.

Depending on the level of familiarities between you and the receiver, this could as much as, ”Hello [Name]” or as formally as, ”Dear [Name].”

Express Gratitude: Ask yourself how the recipient has benefited your life or organization in the past or could enhance it in the future. While using group gratitude, be specific about what you are grateful for any particular item.

Share Memories: Point to a couple of experiences you ad shared. This personal touch given to the message inturgues and gives the receiver a feeling that the message is from a close friend or family member.

Offer Well-Wishes: In this case, you say your best regards for whatever they are going to pursue in the days to come. Receive the new mum or new dad with open arms, or note their first day in their new job, their new city, or their retirement, let the rosy picture of the future be evident.

End with a Warm Closing: It’s important to write the closing part of the letter in a warm and sincere tone. Suffixes like “Take care,” “Regards,” ‘Best wishes,’ etc, can help conclude your message properly like “I wish you all the best,” “Please keep communication going” or even a simple “Goodbye.”

Digital Farewell Cards

For people who prefer using electronics devices to get across their messages, Group card provide a more appropriate message away message than that of the conventional farewell messages on cards. These also come in different styles, flash and even music which can be recorded as per the requirement. Electronic cards could be conveyed in a short span of time, are eco-friendly and has thus made electronic cards popular in today’s society.

Advantages of Having Digital Farewell Cards

Accessibility: Can be sent irrespective of the several geographical locations between the two parties.

Customization: Most of the platforms provide a wide variety of choices via an option for customization, which enables you to adjust the card to the interests of the receiver.

Instant Delivery: For greeting cards specifically suited for timely farewells or scenarios when sending traditional letters is impossible.


Sending out farewell cards to your colleagues doesn’t cease being a way to convey our feelings of loyalty during changes. They give a closure emotionally, people can hold them and feel or touch them and also writing gives a personal touch which cannot be provided in any communicating technology. In view of the above, sustaining this tradition can assist in keeping up with these and other demands in various ways while also ensuring that such incidences of departure are rightly appreciated. Regardless if you are writing a farewell card for a co-worker, a friend or perhaps a family member, there is always a special feeling that overrides you especially knowing that your message would really make a difference in making his day a little bit better.

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