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Nicholas Albert Roker, Who is AI Roker’s Son?

AI-Roker AI-Roker

Al Roker is a Today weather news anchor who has captured the hearts of many people. Nicholas Albert Roker is the anchor’s son, and despite having some challenges, he is leading a normal life, like any other person.

Ai Roker welcomed his son with his second wife, Deborah Alberts, and they have played a huge role in ensuring their son leads a normal life. Nicholas Albert Roker is a college graduate, and he is known for participating in various sports, including taekwondo and


Who is Nicholas Albert Roker?

Nicholas Roker was born on July 18, 2002, as the only son of AI Roker and Deborah Roberts. Nicholas made a name for himself after he competed in the 2019 Special Olympics New York Summer Games, winning two gold medals.

In an interview, Nicholas’s mother revealed that he was not only talented in sports but was also taking a martial arts class. Despite Nicholas dealing with learning and developmental disabilities over the years, he is now leading a normal life, thanks to the therapists.

Nicholas is doing great, and he has worked extra hard to meet different milestones like other children without disabilities. The young champion shared in 2022 that he had worked hard in his studies and scored all As. He is also an active church member.

What is Nicholas Roker’s Disorder?

Every child is a blessing to his parents, and Nicholas has been described as the best boy by his father. Since Nicholas was young, his parents realized he was special and needed extra care. He is fortunate to have patient parents who have walked with him in his journey.

Nicholas was diagnosed with learning and developmental disorders from a young age, and his parents had to give him extra care. He would not walk at three years or hold his parents as tight as other children, but that did not prevent them from giving their son the best in life.

Nicholas went through different behavioural and developmental therapies, and with time, he has grown up to be a young and hard-working man who goes the extra mile to get what he wants. He is an active sportsperson who has shown interest in various sports like swimming, chess and others.

Nick graduated from high school in 2022, and he is currently in college. Nicholas’s parents revealed that he was accepted into two colleges and has continued to pursue his studies with effort.

Nicholas Albert Roker’s Parents

Deborah Alberts and AI Roker are Nicholas’s parents. Nicholas is the youngest in his family, and he enjoys a loving and caring family that has been patient with his needs, propelling him to the highest level.

Despite Nicholas being diagnosed with a developmental disorder, his parents have walked by his side, ensuring he learns as a normal children. Nicholas has surprised his parents further through his hard work and commitment, which has seen him win various sports.

During an interview, AI Roker revealed that sometimes he was frustrated by his son, but his father’s love and understanding drove him to be a better father. Not only does Ai Roker love and care for his son, but he also admires his energy.





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