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Scott Porter Holden: The Son of William Holden

Scott-Porter-Holden-The-Son-of-William-Holden Scott-Porter-Holden-The-Son-of-William-Holden

The name Scott Porter Holden may not carry as much weight as some wrestling greats, but his life was uniquely intertwined with the business. This article examines the lesser-known story of the man who linked Hollywood to the squared circle.

Background and Family

Scott Porter Holden was a son of Hollywood royalty born in Los Angeles in 1946. He was the son of William Holden, the actor who played Sunset Boulevard and Bridge on the River Kwai. His mom was an actress – the Spiral Staircase star Brenda Marshall – who also starred in films like “Kitty.”

While Scott’s parents were movie stars, his path took a different turn.

Career: Bridging Hollywood and Wrestling

Scott was more interested in business than his father was with the camera. His wife Susan Guillory, whom he married in 1973 had a brother, Mike Davis – this is “Dr. Death” Mike Davis, a great wrestler in the 1970s and 80s in the National Wrestling Alliance (NWA). This family connection led Scott into professional wrestling, but not as a performer.

Details regarding Scott’s involvement remain murky. But he may have used his business savvy to help Dr. Death advance or perhaps even promoted events himself. This connection to wrestling put Scott in between his Hollywood upbringing and pro wrestling.



Nothing publicly available about Scott Porter Holden’s formal education.

Net Worth

We can’t say much about Scott’s net worth without knowing specifics about his career. But judging by his family history and likely wrestling background, he probably lived comfortably.

Personal Life

Together Scott and Susan Guillory had 3 daughters. He was a husband and father who lived his family life. Scott passed in 2005 in San Diego.

A Legacy Remembered

While not a household name in wrestling, Scott Porter Holden is a name not to be forgotten. The man is an interesting liaison between Hollywood and professional wrestling. His tale demonstrates the wide network of individuals that make the industry work – even if they never step in the ring themselves.

His Father, William Holden

William Franklin Beedle Jr. was  born in 1918, Illinois. His stage name was William Holden.

Holden played for four decades. This made him famous in the 1930s with his athleticism in films like “Golden Boy.” His charm and acting chops soon netted him leading parts in classics like “Sunset Boulevard” and “Stalag 17,” for which he won an Academy Award. As one of Hollywood’s biggest box-office draws of the 1950s, Holden played cynical heroes and comedic leads.

Details on Holden’s formal schooling are few. But he had developed natural charisma and talent through years of acting experience.

Estimates put Holden’s net worth at the time of his death in 1981 at millions in USD.

Holden lived a complicated private life. He married actress Brenda Marshall in 1941, and the pair divorced in 1971. He was a traveler and advocated wildlife conservation in Africa. Holden was known for his adventurous spirit and environmental work besides acting.

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